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​上海 月饼

Continuing the Tradition with a Distinctive Taste

The unique taste of a crispy, buttery milk-flavored crust is irresistible




Our Mooncake | 我们的月饼

Pandan Lotus + Yolk
翡翠莲蓉 + 咸蛋黄

Packaging | 包装
Individual seal​独立封口包装
Ingredients | 主要配料
Flour, butter, egg, yolk, lotus面粉,牛油,鸡蛋,咸蛋黄,莲蓉 
Packaging | 包装

6pcs in a box6粒盒装
Weight (piece)| 重量 (每粒)
85 Gram 克 +-

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About Us

About Us | 关于我们


We are committed to bring you our Hand Made Traditional Delicacy and deliver to your door step

We started off successfully with Shanghai Mooncake follow by Bak Kwa & Bak Chang

And now we are back with

Our Signature Shanghai Mooncake





FAQ | 常见问题

  • What is so special about Hejia Mooncake? | 合家月饼有何特别之处呢?
    Product - This Is Not Just The Other Mooncake! Unique taste of Crispy Buttery Milk Flavor Crust Small Size : Do not have to worry you might not able to finish due to big portion Premium Packaging: elegant, a perfect gift for friends and family during the festive season as well 产品 - 绝对不枯燥乏味 含有独特牛油奶香味的饼皮 小粒的月饼尺寸,无需担心吃不完会浪费,悄悄好 精美礼盒包装,绝对是送礼佳品 Preparation - Allow You Eat Healthier All the mooncake are by Handmade No preservatives, additive, artificial coloring & flavouring added Premium quality Ingredient used, less sugar and less oil added 精心准备 -让您吃的健康,安心 每一粒月饼都是全手工制造 绝不含人造色素,防腐剂,调味剂 只采用上等食材烘,少糖少油 Learn More About Our Mooncake | 了解更多关于我们的月饼 Delivery - We'll Deliver Every Order Meticulously Hassle Free: forget about travel all the way through the traffic to shopping mall, spending half and hour for parking Deliver to door step: delivery all the way from kluang to your door step Handling with care: handle by Delivery team who is expert in handling F&B, perishable product Provide Return Policy for product damage/ not consumable 送货服务 - 小心翼翼的寄送每个订单 无需烦恼得自行驾车,堵车,找停车位 我们会把新鲜出炉的上海月饼一路从居銮送往您的住处 我们的专业送货团队绝对会小心翼翼的确保每盒月饼能完美无缺的送达 我们也提供退货退款保证 Learn More About Deliver | 了解更多关于送货服务 Variety of Payment Options - Shop With Us Effortlessly Credit/ Debit, online Banking, Bank transfer as well as Cash on delivery Forget about long queue to make payment, It's so convenient to buy from us 不同的付款方式 - 轻轻松松的下单 不必再担心长长的人龙,只需按下几个按钮就能毫不费力的订购了 Learn More About Payments | 了解更多关于付款方式
  • How to place order from us? | 如何向我们订购?
    You may refer to the image below step by step or Find Out More: 你可以根据以下图片显示的步骤来订购或者游览这里
  • What would be the Transportation and Delivery be like? | 送货服务会是怎么样进行的呢?
    Once order has been placed, we will start baking the mooncake and hand it over to local transport, they will send all the way to KL and pass it to our delivery team in KL who specialised in handling F&B product. Our team will contact our customer before and when arrived To understand more 当顾客下单后,我们会开始烘焙月饼,然后交由运输公司把产品送到我们吉隆坡的食品送货团队 他们会在送货前以及到达时联络我们的顾客 了解更多
  • What are the ingredients used? | 使用的材料有哪些?
    Best taste through the highest quality of ingredients used, we only source the premium quality materials to bake our mooncake For the health reason: We only use Paste with Less Sugar Contained Strictly No Preservatives and Artifical Coloring/ Flavors be Added to our product **Absolutely no Pork, Lard and Pork By-Product Added To learn more 合家月饼能够获得如此酥脆美味的口感是由于我们忠于在挑选月饼材料以及配料里的追求因此合家月饼只使用最上等材料以及配料烘制而成 基于健康理由 我们只采用低糖份月饼馅料 绝不含防腐剂,人造色素,人造调味剂 **绝无添加猪肉,猪油和其副制品 ​了解更多
  • How long HeJia Mooncake can be Stored? | 存放期间会是多长?
    Hejia Mooncake does not contain Preservatives, Expected Shelf life: 4-5 days we suggest to finish it in 3 days if store in room temperature It can be stored in refrigerator to extend the Shelf Life of the product. You may reheat it in Microwave oven 合家月饼不含任何防腐剂,预计保质期 4-5天左右 如果储存于室内温度,我们建议在3天内食用完 月饼能够储存在冰箱来延长食品保质期 您也能够用微波炉来为月饼从新加热
  • Return, Refund, Exchange & Cancellation | 退货,退款,替换商品和取消订单​"
    We offer Return to customer who provides valid reason with option to Refund or Exchange for a New one. Cancellation available for customer who changed his/her mind after placing order (best to inform us within 24hours) To understand more 我们让能够给予理由顾客退货,顾客能够选择 全数退款或者是替换一个新的产品 顾客如果在下单后改变主意,可以选择取消订单(最好能在24小时之内通知我们) 了解更多
  • Special Request | 特别要求
    If you have any request in mind, please feel free to talk us, we are open to any suggestion or request (as long as it's within out capability). Contact us 如果您有任何请求或是任何意见想法,我们都欢迎您来提供意见,只要是我们能力范围办得到的,我们都热意为您效劳。 联络我们

Contact | 联系

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“Not too sweet, the taste is just nice for my old folks <3”

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